

  • Enhance health, safety, and well-being with Salus, a clinical research center and consultancy.

  • Track patient adverse events and uncover insights and data sets around cannabis use and attitudes.

  • For clinicians, build your cannabis knowledge and give patients the guidance they need. For schools, empower and educate students about the effects and risks of cannabis.

About PRC Plus

PRC+ drives public health and consumer safety initiatives with a focus on science-based research, analytics, and education. 


PRC+ grew from Physicians Research Center, LLC, an organization driven to connect the community to healthcare research and build a network of healthcare providers and participants.

PRC+ encompasses three components: 

  • Salus, a clinical trial research program and consultancy

  • BudsInfo, our data and analytics section

  • Cerium, a science-based, research-driven education portal for healthcare providers and a school-based program.


enhancing health . . . advancing science.

This is the core of who we are and why we do what we do.


Our vision is to serve as a clinical research leader supporting medical efficacy and safety in new and emerging medicine. To do this we provide analytical tools, clinical research and education modules for physicians, healthcare providers, consumers and pharmaceutical companies.

Our vision is to connect and engage the community and serve as a leader in clinical research supporting the safety and effectiveness of emerging medicines and treatment modalities. We do this by engaging participants in the use of analytical tools and by providing education modules for health care providers, students and faculty.


As a company, PRC+ focuses on enhancing health and advancing science. We educate, research and collect data to better understand the real world use, effectiveness and safety of medicine.

At PRC+, our mission is to be a thought leader in new and emerging fields of public health with a focus on the largely untapped field of medicinals and herbal supplements. 

PRC+ researches and collects data for analysis and education to drive the effective use and outcomes of pharmaceuticals and cannabis.

Efficacy gets you to the market, safety keeps you on the market.

Teresa Simon, Founder, PRC +